While some discoveries make the news, change world history, or make a poor
student's life more difficult, I don't necessarily think those are always the more important ones.
A discovery is a reaction to opportunity seized and observed, in general. There are some we take note of, and others we miss. For example: what would have happened if a true Christian had seized the opportunity to get to know young Adolf, observed his need for Christ, and acted upon it?
Enough broad and general speculation. I have made discoveries recently, and while the rest of the world may not rank them among Einstein and Spielberg, I think they're quite significant.
Ever notice how when things are tight, you're under a lot of pressure, and you're simply trying to stay out of the way that you tend to have a burning desire for a glimpse of the big picture. You want to know why you're going through this particular situation. What gain is there going to be? Who else meets this desire, but Christ?
Yet when things are ok, and life is going great, you really live more for the moment, because the moment is good.
What if we treated the bad times as good too? The big picture should never be ignored, but I wonder sometimes, if we don't shut "the moment" out too much when we land in difficulty. It's so much easier to outsource a focus to something more positive than it is to stay and live in it. But I think God definitely called us to be thankful in all things; not "once you have the big picture, be thankful for it."
In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.1 Thessalonians 5:18
Finally, I have discovered that I have a tibialis anterior...and I know how to use it.
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