Friday, February 17, 2006

Simple things...

Note to self: Never forget that just because the day starts out atrocious does not implicitly require the end thereof to be a disastor. In fact, it could be outright fun.


Well, who wants to talk about work?
Not me. And not today.
Suffice it to say that it's FRIDAY.

"I never knew I had this many cuts! I should squeeze lemmons more often..."

Making dinner with friends is always something I've loved doing. I don't know what it is about two mostly grown up women in the kitchen making an appetizing dish themselves. I guess men play football, women go and make dinner.

-Was it a man? or a woman?
-Well what else could the murderer have been? A kitten?

Pink Panther is a really cute movie. There was one scene in the entire movie that made me cringe. Just a little. The scene was funny...but got old in a hurry. This movie includes the best blends of corny humor, random stereotypes, and some fantastic surpriseds.
So 3 stars out of 5.


Classics are timeless. And that should be the understatement of the year. For I have brilliantly stumbled across my new favorite drink at Starbuck's. Goodbye Mint Mocha. So long Brownie Frapaccino! Arreverderci Cinammon Dolce Latte!

The Steamed Caramel Apple Cider with whip cream is my new favorite.

I will drink it in a house, with a mouse. In a box, with a fox. On a train in the rain! I will drink it here or there, I will drink it ANYWHERE!

See? It's the simple things. Stuff I don't even normally give a second thought to that really make life worthwhile and memorable.