Friday, February 17, 2006

Simple things...

Note to self: Never forget that just because the day starts out atrocious does not implicitly require the end thereof to be a disastor. In fact, it could be outright fun.


Well, who wants to talk about work?
Not me. And not today.
Suffice it to say that it's FRIDAY.

"I never knew I had this many cuts! I should squeeze lemmons more often..."

Making dinner with friends is always something I've loved doing. I don't know what it is about two mostly grown up women in the kitchen making an appetizing dish themselves. I guess men play football, women go and make dinner.

-Was it a man? or a woman?
-Well what else could the murderer have been? A kitten?

Pink Panther is a really cute movie. There was one scene in the entire movie that made me cringe. Just a little. The scene was funny...but got old in a hurry. This movie includes the best blends of corny humor, random stereotypes, and some fantastic surpriseds.
So 3 stars out of 5.


Classics are timeless. And that should be the understatement of the year. For I have brilliantly stumbled across my new favorite drink at Starbuck's. Goodbye Mint Mocha. So long Brownie Frapaccino! Arreverderci Cinammon Dolce Latte!

The Steamed Caramel Apple Cider with whip cream is my new favorite.

I will drink it in a house, with a mouse. In a box, with a fox. On a train in the rain! I will drink it here or there, I will drink it ANYWHERE!

See? It's the simple things. Stuff I don't even normally give a second thought to that really make life worthwhile and memorable.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

My Greatest Struggle: His Greatest Triumph

The wind howls around the windows outside my room. Windy nights always make for the most contemplative. (And of course, days of eighty degrees followed by days of ice and snow are always odd ones too...)

And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me. - Luke9:23

This was the basis for the message on Wednesday night. I can remember only one other time within the last year that I made some decisions that were this major.

As with most sermons, I listened with the expectation of hearing from God. It's never difficult to find application to my life even if I don't particularly want to. (Yes, I can be quite contrary at times.) When Preacher started talking about this verse, though, I knew I was going to hear something important. He started out talking about the hymn "Wherever He Leads, I'll Go."

Oh the story behind it is neat, but the funny thing? I really can't remember much of the introductory portion of the message. When he introduced this verse, though, it was time.

Preacher reminded us that a cross didn't just mean an undesirable task, or an uncomfortable position. No. A cross meant death.

Re-examining the verse with that in

God's nudged me slowly, but surely in the direction He wants me to go in. As the years have gone by, God has asked me for more and more territory in my heart. Sometimes, that territory is given without a thought. Some things, like debate, college, love...those were progressively more difficult. Even now, I have to continuously remind myself that each of those areas are firmly in God's hands and that I wouldn't have it any other way.

Last night, though, He asked me for a bit more than the extras in life (debate, college or love).

It will take some work, but I think I'm finally ready. I'm not entirely sure what all it's going to entail, so this, like many of my other adventures, will be a hike into the great unknown with my Abba Father.

I'm doomed to fail in my own strength; in fact, I admit that I've already failed many times today. But if I confess my sins, He is faithful and just...

So the point of it all? I've never actually conscientiously tried to live each and every day unto the Lord. To die to self so completely that all that is left to see, is Him. It's something I've always wished for, or would see in others and think "Wow, that's so neat. One day, I'll be like that."

I know that's a goal even the Apostle Paul only tried to accomplish. But I think my largest struggle, will not be over things like money or education or even an earthly relationship. My biggest struggle will be to voluntarily lie on a cross daily.

Even now, I'm half-wishing I hadn't said I'd try. But I've got as much time as He gives me and my God is so faithful!

I am confident that even though I fail a thousand times, He will yet lift me up a thousand and one times more if only to show Himself strong.

Because in my weakness, He is strong.

In my death, He lives.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

The Discarded Image

Disclaimer: Lest you should think this is to be a discourse on CS Lewis, you are free to lay those fears (or anticipations!) to rest.

Someone once said that "we don't see things as they are, we see them as we are."

In church right now, our primary object of study in Sunday school over the next few weeks is the attributes of God. It's been an interesting study, but something struck me the other day that really tied in with a lot of different changes in my life.

Last Sunday's lesson was over change. God, is as a matter of course, unchangeable. Immutable. He has to be, right? Of course, and at that point, I immediately reached back into childhood and pulled out the verse "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever."

So where's the big deal?

I think my mind must have wandered during the lesson just a wee bit. Even so, it felt as though God brought several little things to mind that all culminated into one solid thought: I am only as solid as my God is.

Anyone who dares say that God is not logical has another thing coming.

The process He took me through, though, was intriguing.

First, He reminded me of how active I am; both on the job and at home and everywhere in between. I never really know what to expect from day to day and things go so fact, if anyone can tell me what happened to last fall, I'd be greatly appreciative.

In a world that involves constant change as part of its very nature, it's easy to get caught up and behind in the day-to-day whirlwind that envelopes so much of what I do. But my train of thought was picking up speed and moving on. I'm not sure why the next verse came to mind, but Romans 12:2 was apparently the next scheduled stop:

And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

Skeptically, I remember thinking that this has got to be one of the most impractical commands in Scripture. Sure, it's acceptable when referring to things like retaining modesty and purity, but I'm just as busy as the rest of the world. There's a way to get around that? Right.

Well, physically busy, but who says you can't be at rest and busy at the same time? Whoops... here comes Scripture again:

Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. Trust ye in the Lord for ever: for in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength...

-Isaiah 26: 3-4

When my mind is on God, or when I am focused, wait...geometry... focused = centered! So when I am centered on God, I have perfect peace.

What I realized was that it's the very fact that God does not change that gives me the capability to remain rested, alert, and focused in a world full of chaos and constant change.

The key, though, is the word focused.

On Valentine's Day, all the world loves a lover. But for me, this Valentine's is a bit different.

Rather than being so focused on who I am and who is not with me on a day where a dozen roses are to be had at any gas station and chocolates come in all shapes and sizes, I realize that in His infinite loving-kindness, God has provided me with yet another day to say with a smile that life is beautiful.
To be focused on God is to be unchanged and unrattled by the changes that take place around you.

A discarded image? Oh definitely.

My image of Valentine's Day, I think, has been completely discarded.

You see, when I view the world through the eyes of God, my whole perception changes.

So rather than seeing life as a continuous stream of tasks to be completed, projects to be started, or emotions to be ignored, I see that God is always on time, all things are done unto the Lord, and that God "works all things for the good of them that love Him and are called according to his purpose."

And now, the voices of court cases to be summarized are becoming insistent, so I shall return to my small little bubble known as "Con-Law."

Happy Valentine's Day!

Monday, February 06, 2006

Pressing On

As I sit in front of a blazing fireplace (but not too close!) with my pineapple-upside-down cake, milk, and con-law materials, I'm struck with how simply complicated life can be.

The scene around me is perfectly simplistic and I am quite contented.
In fact, life in general has me completely happy. I guess what becomes complicated is maintaining the status quo. The next day is never something to fear, but there are always the insignificant details that somehow make me wish I could always just live in the moment that has me the most contented.

As I was running today, though, I realized that if you don't keep moving, (especially when you're as out of shape as I am), you loose your nerve to press on. A stationary position is ok for a minute or two, but after a while, well, there's nothing that frustrates me more than an unchanging atmosphere.

In short?

I like the way Paul said it:

I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.